Sunday, September 14, 2008

fine tuning

arranging the chord progression is in its first draft, since I'm terrible at piano I'm using Finale for the playback option(and clear notation).
I'm experimenting with time signatures that I normally wouldn't use and alternating each few bars, I haven't yet created that "timeless" effect but stumbled on some pretty interesting ideas.
Still debating on what solo instrument to write for, I figure I'll worry about that when need be, until then I'm enjoying fine tuning my chord progression and seeing/hearing what character will evolve from it.

1 comment:

Clark Ross said...

Nice to see a journal entry from you. Just a couple of suggestions:

1. Don't forget that you need to include feedback received and your response to it; and

2. Now is the time to figure out what instrument you want to add to the piano... It is usually best not to leave it 'till you've worked out all or a portion of the piano part.

Also, don't forget that you need a journal entry for your week 1 work (your chord progression, and the class response to it).